What My Clients Say

Energy Healing is something I believe in.

When I can, I see my friend Stephen Bishop in Sydney and have my chakras aligned and my energy rebalanced.

Instantly I feel a difference.

(As seen in Good Health Magazine, March 2010 issue, page 14)

Miranda Kerr

The synergetic healings I have received from Stephen and Melissa have been profound and very special experiences.

Stephen has healed me and my children many times and he is incredibly gifted. When you combine Stephen’s healing with Melissa playing her crystal bowls, something powerful happens between all 3 of you and the healing seems to happen quickly and on a deep level.

The bowls sound beautiful and you can feel them resonate through you. I felt very connected to what was happening in my body and the bowls seemed louder or more intense depending on what Stephen was working on.

I have felt a million times lighter, both physically and spiritually and know I have released some really old and deep stuff.

After the last session, I even sang all the way home in my car and felt like dancing. Who doesn’t want that?!


During my last trip to Sydney I was fortunate to receive several synergetic healings from Melissa and Stephen. This was a very challenging and tumultuous period in my life and I know that I would not have moved through this time so well without these sessions.

Each of the healings was very different, but they were all nurturing, supportive and life-changing. The last one was yesterday and I am still in a state of awe and gratitude. My energetic system feels expansive and centred and I feel that I am in a space where I can meet the challenges ahead, whatever they may be.

Thank you so much!!

Sue Lewarne

I got to know Stephen when my son was diagnosed with a complex heart condition.

Since then, Stephen has provided invaluable support in some of the hardest times in our lives, providing remote healing for my children, my husband and my father in times of illness and distress.

Each time he has helped remotely he has sent a message which, often without helping him characterise the situation, he always manages to summarise what is going on. So much of what he does I have not understood but have noticed changes happening when I have asked for his help.

One remote healing related to my husband.  He was rundown and finding it very difficult to shake a terrible cough.  Whilst I saw him get worse I asked Stephen to remotely heal him.  Within an hour of this healing his cough had reduced significantly and by the end of the day he had made a marked improvement and commented on how much better he felt.  He didn’t know that I had booked a remote session with Stephen.  By the morning – he was well again.

When I was unwell I had booked a remote session.  Early that morning when I was asleep I didn’t know he was starting my session early.  But I felt in my mind’s eye a luminescent white light surrounding me – half asleep I wondered what was happening.  Later when I read my messages I saw that Stephen had written to say he was healing me earlier in the morning – the same time I felt the white glow around me.  I can’t explain it – I’m no expert – but I felt it.

He is a kind and decent man with integrity and has helped us greatly.  Without hesitation I recommend him.


I was referred to Melissa and Stephen for Synergetic Healing late 2022.  At the time I was in constant pain, severely depressed and struggling in all facets of my life.  I had severe daily neck, head, ear and muscle pain. Blood tests showed high inflammation in my body and elevated liver and cholesterol markers.

From my first session, I felt a relief in my pain levels. Improvements either as a whole or in certain areas of my body continue with each session.  One visit I had been unwell for three days prior with severe diarrhea and stomach pain.  The session cleared most of my pain, ended my diarrhea and by the next day I was back to my normal state. My muscle, neck and head pain continue to improve.  It is often only if pain returns that I realise how pain free I have been.  My pain has never returned for long periods or to the extent of my initial visit.

My mood and depression have lifted and eased.  Melissa and Stephen have not only helped me physically but also psychologically and spiritually.  I have found my inner strength again. I can look to the future and face difficult challenges.  My relationships with my family and loved ones have improved, my communication with both myself and everyone else has improved. Melissa and Stephen have given me coping mechanisms to expand and grow, while also helping me to accept who I am and where I am.  Changing my patterns of self-hate and hating my body for the pain I was in has been a great journey to self-acceptance. This has been empowering in all ways for me and I have tools to use on my challenging and hard days.

My most recent blood tests show a major drop in cholesterol levels, my liver has drastically improved, my inflammation markers are near normal.  I have only attended these sessions and followed their instructions yet not changed my diet or exercise.  These are amazing results.

My pain levels continue to drop, my energy has increased, my coping abilities have increased, I can face challenges and I again want to participate in life. I am so grateful to Melissa and Stephen for their help.  I am excited to keep improving.

Louise E

Stephen and Melissa’s synergetic healing sessions are truly transformational. I have never experienced anything like it before. Going in I was unsure what I would experience or whether I needed any healing.

But in the first session I had an experience unlike I have ever had before.

The combination of Stephen’s energy healing and Melissa’s beautiful crystal bowl playing evoked some deep healing for me in my heart chakra. When the heart chakra bowl was played in conjunction with the energy moving from Stephen, I went from being calm, to sudden deep breathing, followed by a panic sensation and then a huge release of uncontrollable tears. Most importantly, after this I felt immense calmness, love and peace. I am still not sure what was released but I knew it was important and this beautiful feeling carried into the next week.

In the sessions that followed I felt more energy shift more easily and whatever challenges I was experiencing in my life at the time, I was able to work through and see things for what they really were.

I became more self aware of many things and always left each session feeling completely balanced, peaceful and really good in my body. Once I even went in with a sniffly nose and sore throat and came out completely well as it had all cleared.

I would highly highly recommend their healing sessions to anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their relationships or life. I would also recommend to anyone who has a physical illness or ailment they want to heal.

Stephen and Melissa are wonderful people and they instantly put you at ease with their presence and create such a safe space for you. I cannot wait to hear about the wonderful things this new work of theirs has in the world and whomever is lucky enough to cross their paths is truly blessed.

Desiree Taylor

Last year I felt like I was living in a rather full home that I care for.

I had a few ghostly encounters: a woman’s face brushing over mine, nightly pacing on floorboards above my head, a large man asked “Are you still there?” and the hallway seemed to be full of entities.

I took to sleeping with the lights on.

I had heard a few stories of previous goings on in the house and was feeling uneasy and a little unstable.

Luckily I knew Stephen Bishop and invited him in.

I have no idea what wizardry Stephen works with, yet after his visit the house is calm, peaceful, warm and clear, and I haven’t had any issues since.

Stephen Bishop’s insights, integrity and capabilities are bar none.

Julia B

As my mother approached the dying process, which can be a painful experience for loved ones to witness, I felt quite helpless.

It was so traumatic for us to watch her muscles twitching and her arms gesticulating in a spasmodic manner, often pointing at the ceiling and saying to us somewhat incoherently that she was going mad.  The night before she died she hardly slept.  She was constantly terrified and pointing at the ceiling and having trouble getting the words out.

It was at this point I asked Stephen if he could come to help settle her and aid her dying process in a more dignified manner with less sufferance.

I knew she was seeing the spirit world, but never being a spiritual person she was terrified and thought she was losing her mind.

When Stephen arrived he worked on her energetically.  He told her that her parents were in the room to help her cross over and not to be afraid.  Then her face stopped contorting and she became calm and peaceful.

After Stephen left, mum was so content and I whispered in her ear saying “Do you understand now mum you are not crazy but you are being helped by relatives in the spirit world to cross over peacefully?”  She couldn’t talk at this stage but smiled and nodded yes.  She passed away in complete peace a few hours later and I have Stephen to thank for making this possible.

(Dying Peacefully session)

Sally Charles

I have had the privilege of working with Stephen for more than eight years.  In healings, Stephen has worked on me to improve my functioning in my relationships and my physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.  Stephen has journeyed with me, aiding me to manage crises in my life.  During a healing Stephen is respectful and caring, creating a space in which I feel protected.  After a healing I experience improved clarity of mind and spirit, I feel more balanced and often have a pervasive sense of wellness.  Depending on the issues I am dealing with, the reduced stress and improved functioning stay with me well after the healing.  I believe that working with Stephen has significantly improved the quality of my engagement in my life and my relationships, helping me to live more in line with my values and enjoy improved wellness.

Catherine E

Being brought up in a traditional religious family, I have never considered seeing an energy healer.  However after a recommendation from someone I trusted and with some scepticism, I decided to try a series of sessions with Stephen.

Whilst I still don’t claim to understand exactly why it works, I am now a firm believer that we store energy within our bodies.  I truly believe that through our sessions, I released many of the negative emotions I was holding within my body.  After my first session, my neck and shoulders were much looser.  It was as if a weight had been lifted from them.  I rationalised it was a coincidence.  However after another session I felt my chest become much lighter, like I had got a “load off my chest” and I could breathe so much more deeply.  After each session, I had different physical reactions which Stephen was able to explain in the subsequent session.  Perhaps one or two symptoms may have been coincidence; however with so many reactions I can only believe it was a result of the sessions.  I now feel lighter and happier as a consequence of our five sessions.

I thank Stephen for using his remarkable gift.  Stephen is a great teacher and it was a wonderful experience.  He has allowed me to remove the blockages within my body that have been preventing me from moving forward.

Karen W

I first meet Stephen many years ago, when I trained at the International College of Healing and Metaphysics.  I now seek regular healings as a way to tweak my energetic systems and keep me on track.  I am a firm believer that your DIS-ease creates disease, with that in mind, whenever I experience early signs of pain or discomfort, I choose natural and alternative therapies.  Stephen allows me to feel safe, discovering where my DIS-ease lies and helps me to release or face those issues.  I always leave feeling better, clearer and centred.  I recommend Stephen to anyone who could benefit from increasing their self awareness in a non judgmental way.  Thanks Stephen.

Sascha Craven-Sands

You are warm, sincere, caring and real.  Thanks for the guided trip through inner space!

Tony Whiteman

I had been recommended Stephen for house clearing and after being in lockdown and working from home I started to notice the feel of my apartment a lot more.  There was a feeling of disconnect and I had a strong urge to move and didn’t enjoy my home office.  I booked in with Stephen for a house clearing and he provided feedback and performed a clearing to the apartment while I sat on the lounge.  I noticed a difference right away of calm and comfort.  I didn’t sell my apartment and am happy to stay, thanks Stephen for your work.

Jessica M

Stephen fixed me quickly when I really needed help with my energy. I was experiencing a lot of discomfort in my energy field – my energy was so shaky and my emotions felt like they were outside of my body.  I had tried other things which didn’t help and I was actually quite scared of where I found myself.  My first session Stephen calmed and balanced my energy and he also taught me a home exercise to balance my energy by myself.  I now keep seeing him as I find his sessions very validating and insightful to my processes.  I am quite picky with the practitioners I allow into my energetic space and I can say that I have always felt safe knowing that I am not judged and that Stephen comes from a very high place of integrity.  I consider Stephen now like my coach and mentor in my journey to discover more of who I am and live from that authentic place.  Thank goodness I started to see him!

Dennyse S

It’s very hard to describe exactly what Stephen does, but what I know is that after I have had a healing session, I feel calm, strong, clear – and happier.  Over the days after a healing, I am able to manage stress and chaos with ease and no fuss, things have less capacity to upset me and I feel empowered through my day.  If I am feeling flat and overwhelmed, after a healing session, I am back on my feet and optimistic.  Whatever it is you do, Stephen, thank you.

Barbara L

I began studying meditation & Metaphysics with Stephen 13 years ago and have been addicted ever since.  Stephen has been an amazing healer as well as Meditational facilitator.

Stephen’s intuition is awesome and his energy is soft yet powerful, like a magnificent Angel supporting and encouraging each person’s potential to grow.

We are all individual with more ability and love than we realise and Stephen holds the space to allow each unique individual to have the experience that they are ready for.

As always, In appreciation.

Ngaire Macri

Thanks to you and your incredible love and patience I have found the tools to be present, to love, forgive with compassion for myself and others.  Your ability to see within is truly a blessing.  My work with you has been truly an inspirational experience.

Lynne Gullifa

Stephen’s abundance of knowledge and intricate way of linking things together to show you the patterns that you play out in life is invaluable.  Stephen provides such a safe space for you to challenge yourself, acknowledge your feelings and ultimately grow.


Studying energetic healing with Stephen transformed my natural therapies practice and elevated both my healing skills and my business to a profound new level of success.


Stephen taught me to have so much trust in my psychic senses that I now confidently rely on them to guide every aspect of my life, as well as to provide inspired insight to others in need.