What is Synergetic Healing?

Synergetic healing is a powerful new healing approach that my wife Melissa and I were guided to develop. It is a unique synergy of sound and energy healing.

Both sound healing and energy healing are potent healing modalities in their own right, however, when they’re combined in this unique way, the possibilities of healing are profound and infinite.

The immersive sound frequencies that emerge as Melissa plays her crystal singing bowls, amplify, expand and deepen the healing energy that moves through me into you, to create a powerful and transformative healing experience.

The music from the bowls allows you to fly with the sound whilst the energetic healing grounds that sense of expansion into your body. The combined healing frequencies move through your energy field and deep into your body to gently shake loose stuck emotional energy and other energetic blockages, bringing you into harmonious resonance with your divine essence.

Synergetic healing brings together a unique repatterning of your physical, mental, emotional and energetic being, giving you the opportunity to create and live from that new patterning. It supplies you with a possible next step in your healing and life journey.

This is multi-level healing with clients regularly perceiving my hands working deep within their being for days afterwards.

You will experience a truly unique healing with Melissa and I working in energetic resonance with each other and spirit, to create a loving and transformative healing experience.

What happens in a synergetic healing session?

Each session is different and responds to where you are at the time of the healing. We begin by listening to what is happening for you in your life and what you would like from the session.

Working together, Melissa and I use specific sound frequencies blended with healing energy to target certain areas of your physical body and energy system. I place my hands on various areas of your physical body, focusing mainly on your energy centres and the energetic pathways that flow throughout your body.

Clients typically experience a gentle, localised shaking on both a physical and energetic level until the area or issue being worked on is brought into alignment.

These are interactive sessions where clients are encouraged to notice and share what is happening for them during the session. You may observe shifts and changes on an energetic, physical, emotional or mental level. Melissa and I also share with you what we’re perceiving, as well as any higher guidance that comes through. This group sharing not only opens up and deepens your synergetic healing experience, it builds an energetic platform to help you shift and release whatever is emerging.

How will a synergetic healing session help you?

Synergetic healing can help with:

  • Elimination of old patterns and unhelpful ways of thinking
  • Removal of energetic blockages that restrict the free flow of vital energy moving through you
  • Realignment with your divine essence
  • Re-establishment of a balanced state
  • Increased feelings of relaxation and peace
  • Relief from emotional and mental stress
  • Better sleep
  • Improved clarity and a deeper understanding of yourself
  • Greater connection to your inner being

You will leave a synergetic healing session feeling lighter, more peaceful and aligned to your true self. You will also notice an overall sense of well-being resulting from the improved flow of energy running through you.

As you integrate the internal changes from the sessions, you may notice that your regular behaviour or thoughts change. This can cause you to meet people differently in your life and consequently others may respond to you differently. This leads to new ways of being in, and experiencing, the world.

You may not even remember how you used to be as you shift and let go of old patterns. It’s like when someone experiences intermittent pain and then that pain disappears one day. Often the person doesn’t notice when it finally leaves. They only notice it if it returns in the future and then they remember “Oh yes, I used to get that all the time”.

Where do synergetic healing sessions take place?

Castle Hill in the Hills District of Sydney.

How long does a session last?

1 hour

What’s the price of a synergetic healing session?

Was $275

NOW $235 (until the end of 2024)

Want to make a booking or find out more?

Click here to get in touch.