What is remote healing?

Remote healing is energy healing from a distance.  I’m based in Sydney, so if you can’t come to see me in person, this could be the ideal solution for you.  Distance isn’t an issue when it comes to energy healing.  It doesn’t matter whether you’re located in another part of Australia or across the other side of the world.

“Energy flows where consciousness goes”

Whether you opt for in-person energy healing or remote healing, the underlying idea is the same: I use my consciousness to direct the flow of source energy into your energy system in order to align and balance it.

What happens in a remote healing session?

The session starts when I contact you by phone.  This is a short call to discuss what’s going on for you currently and whether there are any specific issues you’d like me to look at.  The issues could be on any level: physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual.  Before we end our call, I ask you to find somewhere comfortable to lie down or sit.  It’s best to choose a place that is quiet with minimal distractions.

I then tune into your energy system just as I would if you were physically present.  I align your energy system with the universal energy grid and I note the overall condition of your energy system.  A healthy system is luminous, free flowing and holds a higher overall frequency than an unhealthy system which is dull, dense and vibrates at a lower frequency.

If you identified any issues up front, I look at how these issues are affecting you energetically and I bring the affected areas back into a state of balance.  If no issues were identified, I simply balance and align your entire energy system so that it functions at an optimal level.

Even though this is a remote session, many of my energetically sensitive clients can feel parts of their energy system shifting and adjusting as I work on them.  However it’s not necessary to feel anything during a session as the shifts take place on a vibrational, or subtle energy level whether you can ‘feel’ them or not.

At the end of our session, I contact you again to offer feedback and discuss the session with you.

How long does a session last?

Usually around 35-40 minutes.  This includes a phone call at the start of the session and another phone call at the end.

What’s the price of a remote healing session?


Want to make a booking or find out more?

Click here to get in touch.