What is energy healing?

Energy healing is the conscious use of source energy to clear, repair and balance the body’s energy systems.  By restoring the flow of energy moving through you, your body’s natural healing abilities are nurtured and supported.

At a deeper level, it’s also about removing the blockages that prevent you from accessing and becoming your true self.  The more you are able to free your energy field of restrictions, the more you allow your true self to be revealed and lived.

Energy healing can result in increased health and wellbeing on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.  It’s like a tune up for your body and soul.

What is the human energy system?

Your energy system is a field of subtle energy that radiates from you and connects to the universal energy grid.  Part of its role is to allow the inflow of source energy and step it down in frequency so that you can utilise it.

Your energy system is impacted by every thought you think, every emotion you feel and all that you experience.  It is constantly shifting and changing.

It has many different components, each with its own function, and they all work together synergistically.  The elements I most commonly work with in healing sessions include the chakras, layers of the aura, earth star, transpersonal point, soul star, nadis, dimensional filters and the energetic pathways that flow throughout the body.

Your energy system also acts as your personal energetic blueprint for your physical body, so it makes sense to keep it in good health.  It’s a fundamental part of you and you wouldn’t exist physically without it.

What happens in an energy healing session?

We begin by discussing what’s going on for you currently and whether there are any specific issues you’d like me to look at.  The issues could be on any level: physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual.  I then ask you to lie down on the massage table, fully clothed.  Or you could sit up in a chair if you prefer.

I start the healing by aligning your energy with the universal energy grid and I note the overall condition of your energy system.  A healthy system is luminous, free flowing and holds a higher overall frequency than an unhealthy system which is dull, dense and operates at a lower frequency.

I then assess each component of your energy system and bring each one into balance and alignment.

During a session, I often help clients to align their own auric bodies.  This can be highly effective and very empowering for the person, especially since the same technique can be used at home.

One of the main aspects of any session involves removing the energetic obstructions that hinder the free flow of energy moving through a person.  Everyone creates these blockages at various times in their lives.  They mostly occur whenever we fail to accept, resolve and release whatever is challenging us.

If you choose, a session can be quite interactive.  This supports your spiritual growth and leads to greater self understanding.  If I discover an issue in your energy field, we can explore and discuss how the issue is impacting you and what lies underneath it.  This allows new awareness around the issue to emerge, which can often shift it energetically.

Many of my clients are very sensitive to energy and can feel parts of their energy system shifting and adjusting as I work on them.  I’m finding that more and more people are becoming energetically aware in these heightened times.

How will a healing session help you?

My clients have many different responses to a healing session.  Most commonly they leave feeling calm and peaceful, with an overall sense of wellbeing.  Clients often tell me they feel more present, aligned and back in their flow.  Many feel a deeper connection with their inner being.

The experience of this beautifully intuitive session will open you to greater clarity of mind and heightened awareness.

Where do energy healing sessions take place?

I can come to your place, or you can come to see me at Castle Hill in the Hills District of Sydney.

How long does a session last?

1 hour.

What’s the price of an energy healing session?


* SPECIAL: Book two back-to-back energy healing sessions for you and a friend and save 21%! Normally priced at $380 for both sessions, I’m reducing it to $300 – that’s just $150 for each of you.


** SPECIAL: Book two back-to-back energy healing sessions for you and a friend at Castle Hill and my price reduces to $260 for both sessions – that’s just $130 for each of you.

Both of these specials are available until the end of 2024.

Want to make a booking or find out more?

Click here to get in touch.