Stephen's Bio

Ever since he was a young child, Stephen could peer into the spirit world.  As an altar boy, he often saw spirits in church when they would appear during weddings and funerals.  Stephen noticed that spirits were never sad when they attended their own funeral.  Instead they were peaceful and curious to see who had turned up.

Later, as Stephen developed his psychic ability further, he discovered that he could not only see and feel energy, but he could direct that energy to benefit others with energy healings.

In 1994 Stephen founded the Chiara College of Metaphysics with his then wife, Sue.  He later went on to create his own college called the International College of Healing and Metaphysics where he continued to teach courses in energy healing, metaphysics and parapsychology.  Stephen has personally guided thousands of students to develop their innate spiritual gifts.

At the same time that Stephen began healing and teaching, his natural ability to communicate with ghosts also led him into the field of ghost busting.  Over the years, he has successfully cleared hundreds of homes and businesses from unwanted spirit activity.

In 2008 Stephen became known as a ‘psychic to the psychics’ due to his role as a psychic consultant for the Australian TV series called ‘The One’.  The show was broadcast on the Seven Network and its objective was to find Australia’s best psychic.

Stephen’s work now focuses on energy healings (in person and remote), ghost clearances and assisting people on their spiritual journey through death.

Stephen brings his gentle nature and down to earth approach to all that he does.  Whether he’s dealing with ghosts or humans, he believes everyone is deserving of kindness and respect.