With over 30 years of expertise in ghost removals, Stephen offers a reassuring blend of professionalism and warmth to restore peace and tranquillity to your space


What are some tell-tale signs that you might be sharing your home with a ghost?

  • A room may feel cold while the temperature in the rest of the house is normal.
  • It feels like someone else is in the room with you even though no-one else is present.
  • You hear strange sounds and noises.  When you go to investigate, there’s nothing there.
  • Things just don’t feel right.  A room may feel funny or strange without you being able to pinpoint why.  Perhaps you even avoid going into a certain room because you don’t like how it feels.
  • You notice an indistinct figure from the corner of your eye, but when you look directly at that area of the room, there’s nothing there.
  • Objects move, fall over or disappear only to reappear later.  I don’t know how many times clients have told me about car keys going missing.  They know exactly where they left the keys but they aren’t there when they look.  They search throughout their home & then the keys suddenly reappear in the very spot they remember leaving them.

What is a ghost?

A ghost is simply a fragment of consciousness without a physical body.

Normally when a person dies, their whole consciousness moves effortlessly into the non-physical realm.  However, on occasion, a fragment of a person’s consciousness doesn’t fully crossover while the rest of their consciousness does.  Humans perceive these fragments that remain behind as ghosts.

Are all ghosts the same?

No they’re not.  The main differentiator is their level of awareness.  Remember, we’re only dealing with fragments of consciousness here.  It’s not the full consciousness of the person that was alive.  Even so, some fragments are more aware than others.

The vast majority of ghosts are completely unaware that they’ve died physically.  They perform the same actions they used to perform when they were alive on the physical plane and they repeat these actions day after day, as if they’re caught in some sort of time loop.

Some ghosts know they’ve physically died but their fear, or lack of awareness, prevents them from changing their situation and moving forward.  They become stuck in a realm of their own making.

A very small percentage of ghosts are fully aware that they’ve died and they enjoy messing around with people by playing on their fears.  Most of these are harmless pranksters, but some take it too far on occasion.

Other types of ghosts also exist but the majority fall into the above categories.

What happens during a ghost removal?

Forget the Hollywood movies.  Ghost clearances are simply about helping a ghost move to where it needs to go.

I’ve been removing ghosts for over 30 years and I’ve never used any equipment or religious paraphernalia when I work.  I simply talk to the ghost using my psychic abilities.  Often the ghost is fearful or confused about what is happening so I explain their situation to them.  This calms the ghost down and helps them gain clarity.  I then call in help from the spiritual realms to assist the ghost on the next stage of its journey.

Once the ghost has left, I thoroughly cleanse the home energetically.  This removes any residual energy and restores balance in the home.

How long does a session last?

It depends on the size of your home or business, and how many ‘visitors’ you have.  It usually ranges from 60-90 minutes for an average sized apartment up to 150-180 minutes for a larger home/business including land.

What’s the price of a ghost removal?

Was $390 per hour.

NOW $250 per visit (until the end of 2024).

Want to make a booking or find out more?

Click here to get in touch.
